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Kenyan Artist in education, providing art workshops in schools to inspire and unlock creativity

                                                                                    Gakonga School Visits (a taste of Kenya)


If you are interested in Gakonga visiting your school for a workshop please get in contact with us. Gakong holds School workshops for all year groups, we would love to hear from you, learning together from the comfort of your classroom, click on the workshop page to learn about them.


Apart from the arts, your school  or class can link Gakonga workshop to dance and music, black history month, culture, geography, history or new experience as part of a multicultural society.


To get in touch, contact us through our contact page on the menu bar - welcome (Karibu).


For Gakonga Art Gallery visit:








​© 2024 Gakonga (all rights reserved)


Artist in education, providing art workshops in schools to inspire and unlock creativity

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